
Sunday, September 25, 2011

Splish Splash! I was takin a bath...

Quinn has always loved bath time. But she has now found that baths are even more fun!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Seeing the world from a slightly different view...

Last week, Quinny started sitting up on her own! Man, does she ever love it.

Such a big girl!

"It's so much easier to play sitting up!"

"Look Ma! No hands!"

She was so proud of herself! Now, I didn't get all crazy when I sat her up and found that she could sit on her own for a bit. I didn't want to startle her and make her fall backwards crack her skull open or give herself a concussion. So, when she noticed that she was doing it on her own, she turned and looked at me with this huge gummy grin on her chubby little face like, "Do you see this? Do you?! I'm doing it on my own! You're not holding me up! How did this happen?!?!?" My cute little nugget is growing up way too fast. Pretty soon, I'll be chasing her around the house because she is running! Can someone please invent a time machine so I can have my baby back? Or at least something that will slow time down...that would be ok too.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

FOOD! Glorious food!

(I should have posted this one sooner, but then it got lost in my other posts - Oops!) On Friday (8/19) Quinny had her 4 month check up. She looks great! Dr. Daniels was very impressed with her and how well she is developing and growing. After they took her stats (weight: 13lbs. 14 oz height: 25 inches) we talked about a few things, one of which was when we could start her on solids! We had noticed that she was more and more intrigued with what we eating and how we brought the fork up to our mouths and back down to the plate (it's super cute to watch her watch the fork: up and down, up and down). We got the all clear from the doctor that we can get her started on some cereal. Man, does she love her food! She will for sure be a foodie...just like her momma and daddy :)

"Rice cereal and bananas aren't so bad!"

"Is this how you're supposed to do it?"


Last bite!
Since then, we have feed her fresh avocados, a mixtures of potato, pumpkin, apples and blueberries, fresh peaches, and a mixture of apricots, banana and rice cereal. Her favorite by far are the peaches...she got rather upset at us last night when she finished her chunk and we didn't give her more! Apparently, you don't stand in the way of food and this girl :)

Quinny enjoying some potato, pumpkin, apples and blueberry mix. And daddy trying to get it in her mouth :)

Thank Heaven for little girls...

It sure is lucky that Dan and I had a little girl! Because if we had a little boy, I can only imagine that Dan would be a little upset at me for making things like this and then forcing him to wear it!

Lost in a sea of tulle!

I have the most perfect little model :)

Luckily for me, Quinn is more than happy to be the inspiration for my crafting impulses. She is going to be one decked out little nugget!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Quinny's Rules of Eating...

It has been decided (by Quinn) that there shall be NO talking while she nurses. She has made this fact very clear the last few days. Should anyone talk while I feed her, she immediately stops and stares at me with this look of utter bewilderment like "Who dares talk while I'm eating?!?" and then takes her cute, chubby hand and covers my mouth as if to emphasize the no talking rule.

Perhaps she will remember this rule when she is a bit older and chatting up a storm instead of eating her dinner. But I do have to admit - she has some sass! And it's pretty darn adorable.