Thursday night (12/8/11) we took Quinn to see Mr. Claus. We waited patiently in line for our turn with Santa as we watched the other children fill him in on what they would like for Christmas this year. Some kids were very happy and excited to see him, while others were less than pleased (we were a little afraid that she would fall into this category since she's been dealing with a bit of stranger anxiety lately). Quinn on the other hand, was rather neutral. They told us to back her into his lap so she didn't see him and then we had to walk over to the camera. After I placed her on his lap, she turned to look at him with these furrowed eyebrows and this expression of confusion. Then, she almost just shrugged her shoulders, turned around and faced the camera like "Ok...I'm ready for my picture now."

Quinny had to have her Ella Wubby with her and Dan thought that since it is her favorite thing, that we should let her have it and also each year, have her bring her favorite thing with her to see Santa so she can remember what was her favorite love that year. So, a tradition has been started! 2011 Favorite Item: Ella Wubby ♥