Ack! much has happened since the last post. I keep thinking that I'll be good at keeping up with posting and then it'll be weeks before a post goes up. I guess that happens when you have a toddler and work full time. There is just so little "you" time left. Here are a few things that have been going on in Quinny's little world:
- Busy Bodies! We've started ECFE classes to get Quinn more exposed to other kids her age. Since we are lucky enough to have Paul and Barb watch her while we're at work, we thought this would be good for her. We started on September 11th and go every Tuesday. This is a separating class, so the beginning part of the class is for us to interact with her and the other kids that come. It's interesting to see how they interact together. Most of the time, it's still parallel play, but every once in a while, they'll play with each other and it's really cute. The second half is where the parents and tots have separation time. This is really hard! It starts after they have a little snack and then the parents say a positive good bye and then leave the room. Sometimes this goes well...but for us Wodnicks...not so much. It's gotten to the point where she just KNOWS it's time to separate and the melt down starts. It's funny because the first night we did this, she was a champ. Only cried for a minute or two and then was fine. Every night since then...she is quite the drama queen. I know it's good for her and us, but it takes some getting used to and it's hard to walk away knowing that she's so upset. Ah well...the joys of parenting, am I right? Plus, she is making some friends and they are all so sweet.
- We have a 20 pounder! On October 13, we took Quinny in for her 18 month appointment and were really pleased to see that she's FINALLY reached 20 lbs! She had a big growth spurt between 15-17 months. And I have to share in my proud momma moment: the doctor said that Quinny is advanced! Yes folks, that's right. Even though I knew it all along, Dr. Daniels confirmed it, we have an advanced baby :) She knows 18 different body parts, walks, runs, spins, walks backwards (no, still no crawling though), hasn't lost any of the words that she knew at her 15 month check up and knows a slew more at 18 (I can't even count how many!). There are many other things to add to this list, but I won't bore you with all of them or have you roll your eyes at my excitement and proudness. But there you have it...the polasian baby is advanced :) And stats from her 18 month check up: 20 lbs, 31 inches.
- Holy Molars! Quinn is teething up a storm! She is getting 3 molars and 2 bottom teeth...all at the same time. Fortunately...this hasn't effected her temperament too much. A few nights have been difficult on the sleeping front...but I'd say, 90% of the time...she has been her usual, wonderful self.
And now, picture overload. I hope you enjoy this cute little bundle as much as we do!
Park Day! "Hmmmm....what to play with first" |
Quinny LOVES the swings! |
Sassy girl for a day at the zoo. |
"Look daddy...a monkey!" |
This girl loves her parks. |
Pebble hunting with Momma |
Quinn loved looking at the goats...but didn't want to feed them. That was momma's job. |
Quinny and Daddy...tractor buddies. |
Pretty flowers at gammy and pappos. |
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Momma and Quinn ♥ |
Daddy and Quinn ♥ |
Quinn's second annual Alzheimer's Walk with Momma's work. |
Landon and friends! |
I just love this face. |
"Come and get me if you can!" |
Snack time with Pooka |
"I love you Pooka" |
"You want a cheesy bunny too, Pooka?" |
"Where are your manners, Pooka? You have to say thank you!" |
"Yes, I love cheesy bunnies!" |