Quinn was baptized this last Sunday (8/14/11) at Woodlake Lutheran Church. She fell asleep before the actual baptism and then got a nice awakening when Pastor Art poured water over her head. She had no problem letting the congregation know that she was not happy about that! But she calmed down pretty quickly soon after. We did have a nasty little surprise though. We got back home and noticed that she had sprouted hives all over her little body in a matter of two hours! Scary business. But we took her to the doctor (while everyone was at our house, but we are very lucky to have such great friends and family that just took the reins and made sure that things got done so food was ready) and they recommended that we get her some baby claritin and benadryl. All is good now, and she is such a great baby that she remained happy and adorable the whole time.
Dan, Quinn, Pastor Art, Mandy. We really liked Pastor Art. Too bad he is just the interim pastor though. |
Godfathers Ryan and Brian, Quinn, Godmother Tammy, Dan and Mandy |
Quinny with her Godparents! |
Great Grandparents with Quinn: GG Johnson, GG Wodnick, GGs Kunde |
Quinny with her cake. She has that cute little smirk on her face because she got her little fingers in the icing :) |
Quinny and momma! |
That daddy...he sure is a goof nut! |
"Hi Uncle Brian!" |
Godfather, Ryan |
Sarah, Quinn and Godfather Brian |
Tom, Quinn and Godmother, Tammy |
Quinn with her Godfather and Godmother |
Thank you so much to all of you who helped us celebrate Quinn and make her day so special. We love you all very much and you guys mean the world to us!!!!!
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