The pedi also said that we can start giving her some scrambled eggs, a little peanut butter if we would like (not too much since there is so much sugar in there!) and cows milk (not to replace breast milk or formula...just get her used to it). So, we are excited to introduce her to even more types of foods here in the upcoming weeks!
Also - she has got somethings that she has been working on over the last few weeks:
- Kisses! She LOVES to give kisses now! And they are so precious and cute. You ask for a smooch, and she smacks her lips at you (she doesn't use her hands to throw them yet, but you just have to listen and you will get one). I swear...that is one of the cutest things I have ever heard! She's been doing it for about 2-3 weeks now and she gets more and more liberal with them as the days pass on.
- "All done!" This one is very similar to her kisses...if you ask her if she is all done with the food in her mouth, she will smack her lips and then give you a huge smile. You have to be careful though...she likes to trick you into thinking that it's all gone but it isn't always. That little stinker.
- Hugs! She has been giving hugs for a little over a month now. Although, it isn't a big ol' bear hug that you'll get. You'll get a "head hug". Where she leans her head on whatever she is trying to hug. I could get those all day long and I would never get tired of them! She also likes to hug herself when we are getting dressed. She just bends in half and hugs her legs. And if you keep asking her to give herself hugs, she will keep doing it until you pick her up. Ahhh! It's just too, too cute!
- Walking!'s not like she is trotting all over the house...but last night she was standing next to the coffee table, just holding onto a newspaper. Then all of a sudden, she decided that she wanted to go forward and took two steps all on her own! Now, she has been walking around the house holding onto our hands for well over a month, if not longer, but this was the first time she had any interest in going on her own. I think she will be walking here in the next few weeks and then we'll really be in some trouble! Watch out world! Quinny is becoming mobile!
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