
Saturday, November 5, 2011

October in a Pumpkin Shell

Lots happened in October that I didn't get to post about. Here is something that is just filled with adorableness:

She is having a blast blowing bubbles in her water cup!

And here are a bunch of pictures from October that are too cute not to share...

Modeling the cute pumpkin hat from some of our favorite people...the Huxes! Thank you!

Practicing brushing her hair...for when it comes in :)


My lil cutie-patootie!

"I see you trying to take another picture of me..."

My two favorite peeps...Daddy and Quinn! ♥

Little Monkey Girl!

She sure loves the camera and her close ups!

I love this picture of Quinny and her Great Grandpa Kunde!

Happy Halloween from the cutest Tinkerbell around!

It's Quinn's first Halloween!  And she was as cute as can be :)

Bye-Bye Gummy Bear

On Tuesday (11/1/11) Quinny and I were playing peek on the couch...which got her laughing her cute, open-mouth baby laugh. And then I saw it...on the bottom front/left side of her gums...a tooth bud!!!!! Quinny is getting a tooth! As soon a she allows me (and it comes in fully) there will be pictures. So long my little gummy bear grin. Hello mouth full of pearly whites! :)

Stand Tall!

Oh goodness so much has happened since the last time I posted! Quinn has decided that she is no longer going to be a baby and she is now a big girl! The Friday before Halloween (10/28/11), Quinn and I were sitting in front of her Exersaucer (her new favorite thing). All of a sudden, I look down, and this is what she thought she should do...

Dan and I were so excited! And she was so proud of herself! She is so much better at it now than in the video...but we sure were impressed! Go Quinn, go! Oh's time to put up the gate!